Интернет-магазин "TrustFire", официальный представитель компании TrustFire Technology Co., Ltd. в Украине Телефоны: +380 (800) 7-50-830 : +38 (067) 62-50-830 http://trustfire-ua.com/
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Remote tactical grenade button to light TrustFire / UltraFire WF-501B is designed to use light in the hunt. The main purpose of a button - a clear and timely placement of light in the required time.

106.00 грн.

Now in our online store you can buy not only podstvol'nyy flashlight for hunting TrustFire C2, but also the right tactical button for him. The extended tactical button that diameter suitable to lanterns TrustFire C8. Cable length 55 cm.

144.00 грн.

The extended tactical button for LED light TrustFire ST-50, an essential option for keen hunting owners of this model.

178.00 грн.

The extended tactical button (remote pressure sensor) for the flashlight TrustFire Z5 is an indispensable thing for night hunting. If you want to quickly control the light and when the delay may affect the accuracy of the shot, remote control, tactical button (remote pressure sensor) becomes practically indispensable thing.

178.00 грн.

Now in our online store you can buy not only the LED flashlight TrustFire P7-F15 and LED flashlight TrustFire P7-F16, but once a strategic key for them. The extended tactical button that diameter suitable to lanterns TrustFire P7-F15, P7-F16. Cable length 55 cm.

178.00 грн.
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Remote tactical button is simply irreplaceable thing using tactical LED flashlights TrustFire while hunting. Being constantly in stress when hunting success depends on a precise hit , need surgical light control that allow a tactical button TrustFire. Remote tactical button in the people as well nazyvaetsja Zhabko ( because of its structure and mechanics ispolzrvaniya ) . Application " toads " comfortable enough for a quick ( RAM ) target illumination for hunting or tactical shooting. Ispolzuyutsya together with lanterns for hunting and any other tactics from TrsutFire.

In this section you can buy TrustFire outrigger tactical button at the official representative in Ukraine.